May 21, 2012

Recycling Goes to the Dogs!

 You already know that wearing a KimKaps scrub hat is environmentally friendly, because you aren’t adding to the (mounds of) waste that hospital ORs produce since you don’t wear those disposable hats (nor are you adding to the “visual pollution” of those ugly head-mops..HeeHee!). We thought you might be interested to know about some of our other green practices, such as the “upcycling” of many of our fabric scraps. Some pieces are large enough to upcycle into scrap quilts, like this one:
 Several scrap quilts have been made and donated to fundraising events; others have been given away. But because we wish to be careful with our resources, our cutting practices usually leave scrap pieces too small to quilt with. We want to keep even these tiny pieces out of the landfill, so early on in we came up with a way to reuse them while at the same time helping out our animal friends. We make pet beds to donate to the local animal shelter by stuffing a pillow casing with our scraps, thereby creating a comfy and warmer place off the pens’ concrete floors. Here are a couple of the stacks of pet beds we have recently delivered to the shelter staff:
We love thinking of the doggies and kitties who are a little cozier with their beds!
Do you enjoy recycling or upcycling as well? If you have a story or photos to share, send them to