My name is Jeanette and I've been an Operating Room Nurse since
2007. I gotta admit, I truly love my job and I wouldn't change all of the
experiences and heartaches for anything in the world!!
My duties include
to scrub or circulate the cases assigned to me and work with different
Doctors, Nurses, ScrubTechs, at times it's
really hard to keep up with everyone's personalities!!!! Ive been
blessed to learn how to run cases in pediatrics, Eyes,
Robotics,Gynecology, Urology, Orthopedic and Neurology!!!! We
set them up, break them down, make sure everyone's happy...then start all
over again!!!!
We all have those happy moments..and sad moments at
times, but somehow something in us manages to push it all aside and keep
us smiling!!!! This is my Life... what God always meant it to be!!!
Thanks for letting me share.
BTW...awesome kaps,Im in Loveeee!
Thanks Jeanette!
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